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Gas Burner Problems: Do You Need A New Solenoid Valve?

by Jared Butler

If you use a gas boiler, a fireplace, or a furnace to warm your small building, you must take steps to control and regulate your equipment's fuel supply. But if too much gas enters your equipment, you may need to change or upgrade the solenoid valve in it. Learn more about solenoid valves and how to replace the valve in your equipment below.

What Does a Solenoid Valve Do?

A solenoid valve controls how much gas or liquid enters equipment when it's in operation, including gas-powered boilers, fireplaces, and furnaces. Equipment that receives too much fuel all at once can be dangerous. Some equipment can leak, ignite, and explode if it becomes overwhelmed by gas. 

Solenoid valves open and close during operation. If a valve sticks in place or breaks, it can allow too much fuel to enter the equipment. The valve will also make loud buzzing sounds when it experiences a problem. Solenoid valves generally make soft clicking sounds as they open and close. If the valves don't click when they open or close, they may be stuck in place.

If you think the solenoid valve in your boiler, fireplace, or furnace is stuck or broken, replace the valve immediately.

How Do You Replace Your Equipment's Valve?

First, have a technician or someone else qualified in equipment repairs check the valve inside your appliance immediately. If the contractor determines you have a stuck, broken, or damaged solenoid valve, order a replacement valve from an online company right away.

Before you order a replacement valve for your equipment, go over the product specs for each replacement. You want to order a replacement valve that fits the specifications and dimensions of your equipment. The valve should also be made specifically for the appliance you need to repair. If you can't find the replacement valve you need, consult a supplier's representative for assistance.

A representative may also offer to customize your solenoid valve. You can customize the valve to alert you if something occurs with it. The device may come with built-in sensors or alarms that make dinging sounds if it fails to open or close properly. If the device doesn't click when it opens or closes, the alarm or sensor may alert you about it.

A supplier may also offer other customized services to you. If in doubt about the features you need for your solenoid valve, consult a supplier directly.

Learn more about solenoid valves by contacting a supplier today.
